A Smooth Sea Never Made A Skilled Sailor

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A Smooth Sea never made a Skilled Sailor

People learn with age and mistakes, and life inevitably hurls endless whirlwinds of complications at us, however the more complications we endure, the better we handle them, the easier they become, and the wiser we grow.
I began life in Hill Top, an estate in West Bromwich. It has never been the nicest place to live and when I was younger it was probably at its most degenerate state. Gangs flourished on the estate, crime rate was exceptionally high and the barbaric depths of poverty were forever increasing. Growing up in the local primary school I had learnt how to handle myself, how to handle the gangs and stay out of trouble, learnt right and wrong and obtained my morals.
I did well in primary school, consistantly hitting top marks in class as well as achieving sporting success, captained the football team and ran cross country races for year 5 & 6 when I was just year 3. In ways my sporting success helped me a lot growing up, it helped me make friends, stay out of the trouble and kept me off the streets.
Upon leaving primary school I went to Alexandra High in Tipton. It was here I matured and became who I am now, however drastic changes and situations constantly hunted me. As though I was cursed, as if somebody had control over my life and just wanted me to lose my mind. The unpredictability and fluctuations of my life evidently made it agonizingly strenuous.
My life seemed to be going well when at 14 I got trials for Stoke City, I've played football since I was 7, it helped me loads and still does. It’s my pass time and its the one thing I do to take my mind off things. I passed the trials and got offered a scholarship, however I rejected after deciding I wanted to focus o...

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...h, who was and still is almost certainly the most important person in my life, I was undoubtedly the happiest I have ever been or at least the happiest I ever remember being, and my life was continually improving still. I got my grades, and not only that but I got into King Edwards. My life is still at a high, but due to the merciless circumstances life throws at us, I know it is only a matter of time before the destructive, ruthless wave of tribulation comes crashing upon me once more.
On my 17th birthday I got “A Smooth Sea never made a Skilled Sailor” tattoo’d on my left rib. A quote which in my lowest point, helped me and drove me to move forward, a quote that repeatedly reminds me that the skills you obtain and learn in life, can only come through the struggles and hardships, and it motivates me every single day to make the most of the high points in life.

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