A Robot Character in the Films, Wall-E and Treasure Planet

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Treasure Planet

The film Treasure Planet has a key robot character. He is old rusty, left behind and has gone mad. Traits similar to that of our robot character.

The robot is skinny in it’s body shape and has a human aspect (picture a skinny human who has been left in the wild for years). The robot has expressive eyebrows as the character talks during the movie. Another reason the robot character was chosen was because of the eyes again like the eyebrows are very expressive. They have movements like a normal human eye (depicting a human aspect again). The character is rusty and has moss growing on the arms, head and other parts of the body. An aspect that could be incorporated on to our character.


A major film I took a look at was Wall-e a film based on robots and a robot who has been left alone to rust and to shutdown on earth. There are a number of robots in the movie I could look like but I will look at key robots from the movie.

The major character in the movie is wall-e. A rusty robot with human like characteristics which is shown throughout the movie. Like when he doesn’t get his way he kicks something and it all fall on him (like a stubborn child). The design of this robot is to be cute and to attract a huge audience. Even though he is rusty and falling apart throughout. The cuteness is shown through the characters eyes which have many human emotions. The character is not your standard looking robot with legs and a large torso. This make the robot standout and more memorable something to consider when designing our robot character. The cuteness can be added to our character so can have large puppy like eyes and a small unique shape body. The style on the character is rusty, dull and mainly one primary col...

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...e had the modern style and some had the old rusty style. No matter the style they all did the same job and recovered and repaired.

They all tended to be the same singular colour of white or silver even the old rustic one’s. Which is the opposite to our major character as it shows they get used a lot more.

In conclusion it’s clear from all the research that if you want a certain type of robot, modern or rusty. Then the style and the colour theme have to match to make the character convincing.

The research also showed the depending on the robot’s job there needs to be something to convey it. Like multiple arms security lights and cleaning arms. If they don’t have some sort of item or texture to show what it does then like colour it will not work.

For our robot he needs to have bumps, scuffs and rust to show like Wall-e he is not need or used anymore.

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