A Journey Essay Conclusion

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Findings and Conclusion A Journey is defined as “an act or instance of traveling from one place to another” and “something suggesting travel or passage from one place to another” (Merriam-Webster Web) and the research and understanding of my topic has been quite a journey for me both physically and mentally. Personal growth is a journey that everyone must undertake in their life whether they realize they are doing it consciously or if it happens subconsciously the journey happens. My journey was to understand the parental pressures and the effects of prior relationships along with the current focus on marriage equality in the media and my desire to be a part of that positive changes in society have all had an impacting influence on my views …show more content…

Often her major wish for me is to be as happy with someone as she was with my father. I know my mother tries her best not to actively push this desire on me but it’s often not unfelt in discussions, and sometimes I felt I needed to marry to make her happy. Even though I strive daily to make my mother happy I have realized that I cannot put anyone else’s desires or wishes above my own. I know though continued personal discussions with my mother that her only desire is to see me happy when I’m truly ready. Sometime those you love the most can influence you without actually trying but I have discovered that in the end you must decide to do what is best for you. While defining the outside influences was one leg of the journey the next involved inside influences, those emerging from my relationships. This particular area was the rough part of the journey and required me to do something I didn’t think I could successfully do, step outside of myself and actually analyze them from an objective approach. I discovered quite a bit about myself during this process. I knew the pitfalls that I had to avoid like always …show more content…

Society to me is moving into its toddler stage beginning to understand that everything is not going to stay the same and this has had a huge impact on the gay and lesbian communities. The fight that those before me had to endure to make the world more acceptable to marriage equality left me with a feeling that I had needed to take hurry and take advantage of their struggle. While the fought hard there are others who are fighting fiercely to undo everything that has been accomplished. Society doesn’t have many married gay couples for the younger generation to look to, this leads to the wrong impressions being formed. After reading through everything that the couples involved in the case of Obergefell v. Hodges had to suffer through made me want to honor their sacrifice and what better way to honor them than by doing what they fought so hard for me to be able to do get married. Reading thought the details of the case made me feel a certain connection and empathy for each of the people involved, but when I took the time to actually analyze their situations and my situation understanding arrived, they endured everything so that when I was truly ready as they were I would not have the same struggles. Understanding this fact and the realization that if I was to get married before I was ready it

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