A Comparison Of The Venezuela's Fight For Independence

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From 1806 to 1826 most of the Latin countries under Spanish rule fought for their independence. The reason that caused these countries to have courage to fight for independence was because in 1808 Napoleon was able to invade and conquer Spain. Examples of those countries are Venezuela and Chile. There are similarities in the ways in which these two countries fought for their independence but there are also some differences in how they fought. Some of the leaders who were involved in the Venezuela’s fight for independence were Simon Bolivar, Francisco de Miranda and Antonio José de Sucre. The Venezuelan fight for independence against the Spanish empire began in 1811 and finally ended in 1823. The Venezuelan war was done in different phases, which began with Francisco de Miranda.
That is when Simon Bolivar ran to New Granada and he was able to form a new army. Most of the people had lost their need for independence except for the blacks and the mulatteos in Venezuela. Most of the people who were against the war were the elites. This is because they saw the war was only been fought by ...

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