1984 War Is Peace Essay

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“War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength.” This quote is used in
George Orwell’s 1984 novel. It is one of his best quotes of all time. George has wrote other books such as, Animal Farm, A Hanging, Coming up for Air, and many more.
George Orwell describes a world where anonymity is dead, he goes on to tell the reader that the idea of a world could possibly exist in the real world. Personal privacy and space is never granted throughout the novel 1984.
In George Orwell’s 1984, a man named Winston Smith struggles with oppression in Oceania, a place where the party scrutinizes human action. But soon he will find a woman with the name of Julia. They are so different in the world that they have to keep their love affair a secret, but soon all that will change …show more content…

Orwell sets his story in war torn London. However Winston placed full blame for his situation on the shoulders of Big Brother, the people from London would not have identified the cause of their misery as the British government. Julia and Winston have a crazy love life but they are also violating the Party’s laws and regulations, which also adds excitement to their relationship. While Julia simply enjoys hooking up with other party members. “Confession is not betrayal. What you say or do doesn’t matter, only feelings matter, if they could make me stop loving you - that would be the real betrayal.” Winston and Julia discuss betrayal, and resolve that their shared loyalty to each other shall triumph.
Julia and Winston go on to have a secret love affair in their “secret room” above
Charrington’s shop. But little do they know they have been under surveillance throughout their affair. Going back to personal privacy and space. Today in the world personal space is well-known. Personal space is like freedom, and that is what everyone wants today, is space. Space plays a big role on how everyone acts differently. So many people in the world have so much freedom, maybe to much freedom i think.

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