18th Century Dbq

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In the 18th century, the most astonishing reality is that the number of people who lived in British America increased greatly. In the early 17th century, the number of citizens who habitated the new world approximated 250.000, but rose to 2 million at the end of the 17th century (page 125). The multiplication of citizens in the colonies signified a society no longer unvaried. It meant the colonial, the people consisted of different groups, races, and religions. The variety of colonists resulted for 2 reasons : natural growth and immigration from outside. (page 125). Surprisingly, the immigrants didn't come from England, but from other parts of Europe, for example Scotland Ireland and as well as Germany. The Scots - Irish contributed …show more content…

New England welcomed immigrants because it needed more labor. In the 18th century, the demand for labor made the population keep growing (page 125).The dreams of paradise and success that the middle colonies promised made Irish and German immigrant go to New England in hopes that they could achieve a rich and wealthy life.

Immigrants who went to the middle colonies such as Pennsyslvania hoped for opportunities that they could not get in their native land. At the end of the 17th century, “about 85,000 Germans had arrived in the colonies” (page 129). They were known as the” Pensylvania Dutch”. Many of them were from southwestern Germany. The damage caused by the French invasion during Queen Anne’s War caused a massive immigration to the middle colonies. Most of them were labourers and farmers, a few were merchants, and several were artisans. They hoped that they could change their horrible life into something happy and productive in the middle colonies. The same reason motivated the Scots - Irish, who came in larger numbers compared to the Germans immigrants. The majority of them came from “northern Ireland, Scotland, and northern England”(page 130). Many of the …show more content…

This kind of letter encouraged more people to go to the colonies. The availability of land also encouraged people to migrate and settle, like Mordecai, Abraham Lincoln’s great grandfather, who went to Virginia in the late 17th century. He is one of many farmers who grew a large amount of wheat. For farmers, the grain market business was very attractive. The reason for this attraction is that after 1720 the grain price rose very fast. In the 18th century, the cost of living in Pennsylvania was the highest among all regions. Because of their wealth, they demanded alot of British imports. Philadelphia was the most advanced city exporting wheats and buying British imports. (page 134). At the end of the 17th century, Philadelphia had the largest population of any city in the British empire besides London. The most powerful group of people at that time were the merchants. They were the ones who could vote, build mansions, and influence the government. Most of those merchants were Quakers. The majority of them were non-indulgence,frugal in order to become richer.(page 135). They were also religious and worked toward their

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