• What Are The Causes And Effects Of Women Being Denied Education In Afghanistan?

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What are the causes and effects of women being denied education in Afghanistan?
Women are being denied the basic right to education in Afghanistan because they are not considered worthy of the economic and societal costs. Many factors influence the lack of education and the most common is traditional values. Looking through an average Afghani man’s eyes, women are objects that are put on Earth to become wives and mothers. Though there are a few exceptions, that is the way it has always been. Only 26% of Afghanistan’s population are literate and only 13% of that is women (“In Afghanistan, Women and Girls”). This is a violation of the twenty-sixth article Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This article states that “Everyone has a right to …show more content…

Self-confidence and mental health are very important when it comes to moral in the common household and beyond. The Malala Fund, an organization dedicated to improving education globally, reported that, “...women with higher levels of education are less likely to accept domestic violence, more likely to have control over household resource decisions, and have greater freedom to move about on their own.” (Yousafzai) Education is something that many in more developed countries take for granted because it is easily accessible and they do not need to risk everything to go to school each day. There are countless stories of young girls having to dress up as boys or sneak off to school at night because it is too dangerous to walk down the street in broad daylight to receive only basic education. It is often easier to think of uneducated young girls and women as numbers and statistics but they each have a stories that are sometimes hard to imagine. The only reason Shabana Basij-Rasikh, one of many teenagers who have been denied legal and safe education in Afghanistan, received education, was because her father supported her. She has come to realize that, “..behind most of us who succeed is a father who recognizes the value in his daughter and who sees that her success is his success”

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