Anyone Lived in a Pretty How Town

"anyone lived in a pretty how town" is an iconic poem written by the American poet E.E. Cummings. The poem was first published in 1923 and has since become one of his most popular works of literature. It is an expressionistic work that deals with themes such as love, loneliness, life cycles, and mortality. Through its unique use of language and imagery, "anyone living in a pretty how town" explores these universal topics from a deeply personal perspective that remains relevant today.

The poem tells the story of two people who live in this unnamed "pretty how town." They are referred to only as "anyone" and "noone," which implies their anonymity among the other inhabitants of this small community; they could be any couple living anywhere at anytime. Despite being surrounded by others, it seems like no one truly knows them or understands their innermost feelings for each other—something we can all relate to sometimes, regardless of whether our lives are full or lonely.

The narrative follows both characters through different stages of their relationship, from meeting each other to growing old together until death: "Noone fell so quickly in love/With anyone not at all" reads one verse while another goes: "They sowed their isn't they reaped their same," illustrating both beginnings and endings alike. There's also an interesting juxtaposition between what society expects us to do (like getting married) versus simply loving someone unconditionally without having expectations placed upon it—something Cummings captures perfectly with lines such as, "Little ladies more than ever/Men need help but why create/A sense outa wedlock when there never had been none?"

In conclusion, "anyone lived in a pretty how town" remains relevant because it offers timeless insight into human relationships, whether platonic or romantic, while questioning traditional notions about marriage along the way too. This makes for great reading material across generations due to its ability to transcend different time periods with its powerful message remaining resonant even after ninety years of publication.