Essay On Peer Group

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Peer groups are a group of people, usually of similar age, background and social status, with whom a person associates and who are likely to influence the person’s beliefs and behaviour. Peer pressure refers to the influence exerted by a peer group in encouraging a person to change his/her attitudes, values in order to conform to group norms (Kirk, 2000). One of the most influential structures that shape human behaviour is the peer group in a society. This is because virtually every activity done in society is done with groups: in the church; school; at work among others. According to Glaser, Shleton & Bree (2010), the peer group may on one hand, serve as a model and influence behaviours and attitudes, whilst on the other hand, it may provide easy …show more content…

It can be positive (e.g., peers may influence others to become involved in a school sports team or club). 2. It can be negative (e.g., peers may influence others to try alcohol, tobacco, other drugs or gambling). 3. It can be direct (e.g., peers may put deliberate pressure on a friend to play poker for money at lunch). 4. It can be indirect (e.g., someone might want to belong to a peer group that is playing poker at lunch, and might copy their behaviour to fit in with the group). Peers are consistently associated with such alcohol use, and although the term ‘‘peer pressure’’ receives a great deal of attention, precise definitions of it are rare. Phrases like ‘‘pressure to conform’’ and the attraction of ‘‘being part of a group identity’’ are often used to describe what makes peer influence so potent (Greenspan, 1998). Peers become increasingly important and are relatively independent of parental oversight or control (Brown, Dolcini, & Leventhal, 1997). This process intensifies in college. Matriculating students seek to establish a peer network that can be a source of support and intimacy (Paul & Kelleher, 1995), and assist the transition to college by providing role models and social opportunities (Hays & Oxley,

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