What Is Hello? Can Anyone Hear Me?

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Hello? Can anyone hear me?

All I can think and say is “hello… Hello… Hello? “ I feel like I’m screaming inside, and out.
I missed you didn’t you miss me?
I am finally standing right in front of you, myself vulnerable but you’re not even attempting to talk to me, and
I want a moment just you and I
I feel alone but I am with my mom and she pulls me back to reality and hugs me on their couch. I am so grateful for her in that moment. I’m so tired from the 12 hour drive and I can’t imagine how my mom feels. Actually I can imagine….

I dragged her out to Idaho again, so I can visit my family, and my dads grave, but all I have been thinking about is myself. I have …show more content…

She has always been there for me. Always since I was born. I mean that is a role of a typical mother right? Well for my mom it has been. Even when my father took me away from her when I was 6. My whole life changed...for the worst. All she could do was call me and tell me how much she loved me. Guess what I gave her in return. A cold shoulder and never once tried to talk to her. If I did say something it was “I hate you” and hung up. How could a child hate her own mother so much? To be honest, I didn’t hate her I didn’t even know her, but I felt like if I told my mom I wanted to know her. The real her, and not the lies about her that my family told me. Then maybe, just maybe I could

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