Yoga For Anxiety : Symptoms And Symptoms

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Yoga for Anxiety
Anxiety impacts approximately 25% of 13-18 at some point (Merikangas et al., n.d.). Anxiety that no longer signals danger can become pathological when it is excessive and persistent (Upadhyay, 2016). According to Upadhyay (2016), this type of pathological worry known as anxiety is a major component of an unhealthy lifestyle. Excessive worry is an indicator of anxiety and it is believed that yoga is effective due to its emphasis on focusing on the present moment rather than focusing on the past or future (Khalsa et al., 2011). Yoga outside of psychotherapy can improve emotional regulation and mental health functioning in youth. Participants obtained skills to breathe and use movement to calm down and learned to pay better attention to their thoughts, body, and feelings (Beltran, et al., 2016). Another study conducted by Upadhyay (2016) found that after a 12-week yoga program adolescents saw a decrease in anxiety scores on Becks Anxiety Inventory and reported a decrease in tension, depression, and anger. Another unique form of therapy that is utilized for anxiety is Yoga-Enhanced Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (Y-BT) (Khalsa, et al., 2011). Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a theory used in a clinical setting that targets maladaptive thought patterns to seek behavioral change. Y-CBT uses this therapeutic process and also incorporate yoga during the process. This is because CBT trains the individual to identify and replace maladaptive thoughts and yoga and meditation often reduce the tendency for the thoughts to happen in general. The study utilizing Y-CBT saw a significant improvement in anxiety levels and a significant decrease in symptoms of comorbid depression and panic in participants diagnosed with ...

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... limitations to the reviewed studies. It would be valuable to create a yoga program that was specifically for anxiety so there is clarity in regards to the methods used in the studies. Also, setting up studies with control groups would be beneficial. Finally, using randomized samples that are not convenience samples or individuals who have volunteered to be a part of the study would tremendously decrease the chance of bias and making it more generalizable to a population. Lastly, I believe that further research in regards to the benefits of physical activity and its effects on anxiety would be beneficial for regarding gaps in the research. It would be interesting to study whether yoga has an impact on anxiety or if other forms of physical activity such as swimming, running, or biking have a similar impact on anxiety that has been indicated from practicing yoga.

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