The Yellow Wallpaper Feminist Essay

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“The Yellow Wallpaper” A Feminist Stand Charlotte Perkins Gilman was a feminist and a creative writer who wrote an eerie but moving short story entitled The Yellow Wallpaper. Originally published in The New England Magazine under her maiden name Stetson in 1892 this short story addresses feminism and individuality through dialogue and symbolism in a subtle way by taking the reader through the slow mental breakdown of the protagonist.
The story The Yellow Wallpaper is told in first person by our protagonist, who is an unknown female who is married to a well-respected physician named John. After being ordered to follow the steps of the “rest cure”, which required her to “live life as domestically as possible”, “have but two hours’ intellectual
This wallpaper will become the center of the protagonist’s obsession. The protagonist confides in her journal referring to it as “dead paper” since she could never tell a “living soul” of how true thoughts and feelings. She writes in secret because she realizes that only she can help herself and writing in this journal, against John’s wishes, brings her relief while also recording her impending
The protagonist relates to how the woman behind the patterns feels because her herself is a prisoner to her ‘treatment’ and responsibilities. The protagonist’s vivid imagination has created another world of creeping women behind the pattern and begins to see them everywhere she goes. These “creeping women” represent the growing number of women trying to escape from this patriarchal society. She describes how the woman crazily shakes the bars and how she tries to escape every chance she gets. The bars that imprison the woman in the wallpaper prevent their escape just like the women in society are repressed and can’t escape. The protagonist shares her suffering with the reader: feeling confined by the attic room and barred windows continually tortured by the metaphorical pattern of the wallpaper, or, expected roles in society. The more the protagonist get into her writing the more she starts to ignore her husband’s wishes and we see a direct correlation to the woman’s escape. Women were socially conditioned to control their imagination so when the protagonist rips down the wallpaper, she destroys her prison and merging herself with the woman in the wallpaper; finally releasing the controlled women in society. As soon as the protagonist tells John she is free; he faints leaving her to now ‘creep’ over him and be free of patriarchal and

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