Middle Adulthood Reflection

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The decade of young adulthood started with my mom’s breast cancer diagnosis. I remember feeling the murky darkness of abandonment on the horizon. I asked God to show himself to me; I was tired of fighting for the preservation of my fear. It was during the season of my mom’s battle with breast cancer that vulnerability became a companion. I had sister-friends in college who engulfed my fear, sadness, and tactics of emotional self-defense with prayer, friendship, love, comfort, and peace. They didn’t run away when I built walls or turn away when I ran. Instead, it was like they reached into my soul and took my heartstrings and tied them to theirs, which, were anchored to the heart of God. Clinton and Langberg (2011) suggest that women with an unhealthy view of men had little or no positive impact from their father, thus, they encourage that a wise counselor helps her identify and share painful information about her past. During this time, one of my sister-friends told me about a guy that she knew was interested in me and she thought he was a great guy. At her very suggestion, I felt the debilitating feeling of rejection slash my …show more content…

I have experienced the start of the empty nest as my oldest daughter left for college and the transition from being the dreaded mom to a reliable friend. The less demanding ages of my children have allowed me to pursue my Masters in Licensed Professional Counseling while enjoying the maturing of my children. I have also experienced the difficult transition of being in the “sandwich generation” (Feldman, 2011, p. 123). I look forward to what is to come. I have moments of insecurity. However, I have enough life experience that I know and understand that God is faithful, and there is not a struggle when He is in

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