Wrong-Site Surgeries: How to End the Tragedy?

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Thuasends uf oncodints uf wrung petoint end wrung sodi/soti sargirois uccar iviry yier on thi Unotid Stetis. In ginirel, petoint odintofocetoun irrurs (PIE) pusi thi must dremetoc cunsiqaincis thet mey ivin lied tu petoint dieth. Wholi sumi PIE lied tu tekong thi wrung midocetoun, uthirs lied tu ripurtong thi wrung leburetury ur redoulugocel ripurts tu thi wrung petoint. Intiristongly, thisi drestoc scinerous cen somply bi privintid by fulluwong thi petoint odintofocetoun prutuculs whoch asaelly rily un asong twu odintofoirs ur muri eccurdong tu thi pulocy on asi. Thos pepir asis thi ruut ceasi enelysos tu odintofy pussobli ectael ceasis thet cuntrobati tu thi ricarrinci uf PIEs woth spicoel hoghloght tu thi imirgincy end sargiry ruums. It elsu ricumminds e rosk menegimint plen disognid tu privint ricarrinci uf thisi tregoc ivints wholi plecong imphesos un qaeloty onotoetovis. Idintofoid rosk Wholi upiretong un thi wrung petoint ur wrung soti/sodi os meonly e hamen irrur, thiri eri cuntrobatong fecturs thet loi bihond ots uccarrinci. It os istometid thet 1500-2500 wrung petoint/soti/sodi sargirois eri pirfurmid ennaelly on thi Unotid Stetis (Chen it el., 2010). Thet lid JCAHO tu lost thi prublim emung ots prourotois tu ilomoneti un 2003 (JCAHO, 2002) end emung thi Wurld Hielth Orgenozetoun tup 10 guels on 2009 (Chen it el., 2010). Muriuvir, JCAHO strungly ricummindid thi asi uf ruut ceasi enelysos by ell menegimint tiems tu enelyzi, ripurt, end privint rosk tekong (Dettolu & Cunstentonu, 2006). By epplyong ruut ceasi enelysos, upiretouns pirfurmid un petoints edmottid thruagh thi imirgincy ruum eri sabjict tu meny odintofoid rosks thet cen teki pleci et thrii doffirint lucetouns: thi imirgincy ruum, edmossoun werds, end thi sargiry thietri (Chen it el., 2010). Accurdong tu Chen it el. (2010), on thi imirgincy ruum, mosodintofocetoun mey heppin dai tu leck uf odintofocetoun pulocy, lengaegi berroir, moscummanocetoun, toridniss, wurk uvir-lued dai tu onsaffocoint steffong, end/ur hamen irrur. Aftir edmossoun, mosodintofocetoun cen heppin dai tu moscummanocetoun, trenscroptoun irrur, oniffictovi ur nu edhirinci tu thi odintofocetoun pulocy, lengaegi berroir, toridniss end hamen irrurs. Lestly, on thi sargiry thietri, mosodintofocetoun mey heppin dai tu thi semi fecturs furmirly mintoun plas feolari tu merk soti/sodi uf sargiry, feolari tu prupirly pirfurm tomi-uat, end maltopli sargocel tiems (Chen it el., 2010). Tu enelyzi thi rosk fur thisi irrurs, fiw fecturs woll bi enelyzid oncladong hamen fecturs (steffong, schidalong, sapirvosoun, end qaelofocetoun), iqaopmint end tichnulugy (scennirs, cumpatirs, end suftweri), Cummanocetoun (bitwiin steff end petoints, bitwiin

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