Writing Techniques for Sympathy in "The Bridge" by Jessie Kesson

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The Bridge, by Jessie Kesson is a short story which describes the thoughts and feelings of a character that faces up to a challenge of crossing a bridge with a gang that he tags along with. In this essay I will describe these thoughts and feelings that make you sympathise with character and show how the writer has used different writing techniques to show this.

The three main characters in the book come with very different personalities. Mike who is the leader of the crowd is very selfish and seems to get a kick out of bullying and terrorising others. He feels he is somehow superior to others. Mungrel is someone who sits in the back ground and watches everything going on under his nose; he doesn’t speak until words are put into his mouth. The main character comes across as a boy who is just desperate to fit in and have friends, only being eight years old it isn’t as easy as it looks.

The main character shows an element of pride throughout the story on two occasions. The first event is when he catches the biggest tiddler. When he catches the tiddler he surprises the rest of the gang...

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