The Reflection Of Effective Writing In A Career Field

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Effective writing can be an essential task in many career fields. It is another way of communication that can be viewed by numerous people at any given time. Learning to be able to do this effectively can be challenging, but yet very rewarding in the end. During this course I have been able to refine some of my skills in writing and learned various methods to improve this process. Let’s discuss why I write, my beliefs about writing, and how that has changed over the past semester. I have written many papers in my life for school because I had to, but I write shorter reports and longer research based papers for my career field. As a member of the military and a fire department, I have to write narratives every day for the services that …show more content…

That is one reason that I pushed this class off until the last semester. I figured that I would have to write papers able stuff that I did not care about. I like that fact the class had some flexibility in what I was able to write about. It opened up new ways for me to write in various ways by relating them to topics that I felt comfortable with. I was still able to write on things that interested me and this makes writing more interesting. I have taken other English classes where I had to read a book and then write reports on a book that I was never interested in reading at all. The assignment that I had the most problems with was the crime of the century paper. I looked at several books in the library and searched the internet for information for this assignment. I found quite a bit of contradicting information, and it was difficult to write about something that dozens of people have already done (Greene and Lidinsky 137). I prefer to take a more scientific approach to writing. I like to keep things simple. I want to identify a problem and then do research to fix that problem. This is what I have done in the military and in my civilian career, so this is what I am proficient at. I like to work with solid statistical information. There is very little grey area with this type of research so it is much easier to work with in my opinion, compared to …show more content…

There are still areas that could use some more attention. Grammar has never been one of my strong points. I have always struggled with where to place commas and other punctuations. Comma splices are one area that needed quite a bit of attention (Hacker and Sommers 57). This class has helped me understand many of those grammatical error that I have made in the past, and has given me the information and methods that I need to help myself work thorough these issues. The hacker manual that was required for the class will be something that I keep on my bookshelf for many years to come, because it gives great examples and explains things in fine detail so that everyone can understand. The Purdue online writing lab is another great asset to help someone improve their writing style. I feel that it is very difficult to find certain errors in your own writing because you know what you want to say. This class gave many good examples such as writing your paper ahead of time and reading again a day or two later. I think that this is a great idea, but most of the time I don’t have time to do that. It is very difficult to balance work, family, military, and college. Most of the time it seems like college gets pushed off because it is the least important of them all. If I don’t do my homework, I get a bad grade, but if I don’t show up to work, I can get fired. This is why I would usually have my

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