Essay About Exploratory Essay

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Well, here we are. Sorry if I don’t seem that enthused right now, its because I’m writing an essay about writing and revising an essay, which when said out loud, sounds incredibly unnecessary. Now to be clear, I am not saying that this all is pointless, I’m just saying that we could simply talk about how well we are achieving the course goals instead of requiring us to write a time-consuming multiple page essay but that’s just my two cents. While I don’t really feel that great about this essay, I believe the exploratory essay has been very helpful in helping push me to achieve the goal set forth in this class. The exploratory essay wide arrangement of guidelines makes the writer change and adapt so they not only meet the guidelines of the assignment …show more content…

At the beginning of this assignment, we were told to break up into groups of four or five. These groups would go on to be our collaboration groups for this assignment and the rest of the semester. When we first got into these groups, I wasn’t sure how much my group could help me improve as a writer. Now, I would say I couldn’t be more wrong. My collaboration group worked very well together and helped each other develop our essays far beyond the level of quality they could be without the collaboration. For example, my collaboration group pointed out several errors such as missing citations and grammar errors that I either completely missed or forgot to …show more content…

For this assignment, we were told to use the university’s online databases to find the articles need to make a solid stance on the subject. Before this assignment, most of the time when I had to do research, I would just get on my computer and go to Google. It was so easy I never really thought to look somewhere else or even check how good the source of the information was. Now, I understand how important it is to have a reliable and solid source to build an essay around. My paper wouldn’t be nearly what it is now without the high quality articles I was able to find with help from our school’s databases. Next lets move on to goal number five, which is “learn to reflect on your writing practices to improve them”. Over the course of this assignment, I have had to take a step back and take a hard look at what I am writing. After studying my writing habits, I saw several things that I need to change in order to become a better writer. I needed to improve many things about my writing, such as overusing words and run-on sentences to put myself in a position to succeed. After completing this assignment, I feel I

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