Critical Analysis Of Catch 22

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December 7th, 1941 is a day that lives in infamy and changed the course of American history. Despite the United States’ trepidation and hesitation about entering World War II, the deadly attack on Pearl Harbor influences President Roosevelt to declare war on the Empire of Japan, to claim, “that our people, our territory and our interests are in grave danger.” The vast majority of modern American citizens view World War II as the pivotal moment of the 20th century, when the forces of good (the Allies) defeat evil (The Axis Powers). Joseph Heller’s Catch-22 satirically dissects this popular notion about World War II, and humorously exposes the ineffective bureaucratic and immoral profit-driven nature of the American war effort. Heller accomplishes his goal by creating …show more content…

Starting with the economic collapse that preceded World War II, Heller describes how profit driven America acts in self-interest, avoiding danger and risk at a much higher clip than their allies. While in the Air Force, Doc Daneeka does not uphold his agreement to the Hippocratic oath: “to remember that he has “special obligations to all fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm” (Hippocratic Oath). The inherent nobility and altruism normally associated with a soldier or a physician is nowhere to be found in Doc Daneeka. Today, in schools and textbooks, the American people laud the United States Armed Forces and government for its honorable motive and deliberate course of action during World War II. Heller views Doc Daneeka and America in the same vein: the altruistic nobility of their perceived positions is misrepresentative and overstated. When asked about World War II, Harry Truman once said, “If you can’t convince them, confuse them” (Truman, 1945). In Catch-22, Joseph Heller masterfully found a way to accomplish

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