Dharmic World View Of Religion Essay

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Out of the many different South Asian religions there are in today’s living. Each has a dharmic world view that differentiates them and compares them to each other. Each of the religions forms their own unique beliefs and practices based on the history that revolves around them. However out of the different concepts that form the dharmic world view of a religion, like authority, cosmology, family, life cycle and morality. Both authority and morality influence in each of the different South Asian religions similarly. Helping in the understanding and learning about the different beliefs and practices, each religion has. Also, these two dharmic world view concepts that are authority and morality bring in the recognition of what are the values and main points of what the religion is to be. In examining the dharmic world view concepts of authority and morality in the different south Asian religions that are Tribal, Buddhism, Sikhism, …show more content…

Authority in Jainism is viewed as a way “a person can perceive knowledge from a variety of sources” (Pechilis 77). In where the texts and canon of the Shvetambar and Digambar are one of those sources. Where in each of the two sectarian texts there is the understanding of the “absolute and correct truth about the universe” (Pechilis 91) though in different beliefs. The Shvetambar understand this by the teachings of their enlightened teachers or disciples, like Mahavir. The Digambar sectarian groups have the belief that these texts are lost. Another way authority can be viewed would be through the obtaining of liberation from rebirth by renouncing all karma. For, the ability to obtain enlightment of the soul since in Jainism there is no death and in order to leave this world and enter another one this has to be achieved. Authority can be seen as a way of ruling and placing things. While in Jainism it’s a way of living and goals each member of the religion has to

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