Family Reunion Essay

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To the society’s relief, the terrifying month of August was passing quickly. After four disastrous tornados swept through Picher, Oklahoma, the city had become a desolate area with a total population of ten people. Among these ten people, I, Courtney Turner, and my family, father Robert Sanchez, mother Ava Sanchez, and husband Zack Turner, make up forty percent of the city’s population. Due to the weather, it seems to have been decades since I last seen my parents; however, as of today my spirits are boosted to an all time high because my father called and asked if Zack and I would like to come over for a family reunion. Of course, I accepted their invite and immediately demanded Zack to get ready for our reunion. Upon our arrival to my parent’s …show more content…

“Hey mom, does someone else live here with you and dad?” I asked out of curiosity. “Why would you think that sweetheart? Your father and I have lived her by ourselves since you moved out twenty years ago.” she replied. “No reason.” I responded. “Well Mrs. Sanchez, the meal was lovely, but I feel it is time for Courtney and me to be adventuring home.” Zack said with the same expression he had when we arrived. Just as Zack and I were heading to the front door to leave, a roaring wind came and went carrying an angry cloud of rain and hail with it. “Well Zack, looks like we are having a sleep over with my parents tonight.” I smirked. “I will show you to your room then.” my mother said with a huge smile shooting across her face. “Do we really have to stay?” Zack asked precariously. “I mean, we could try to outrun the storm. We have done it before.” “No Zack, we barely survived that incident. I will not go through that again.” I shot back in response. Then the sound occurred again, right above our room. The sound seemed to follow me as I adventured the house. “Do you hear that too, Zack?” “Hear what?” he replied. “Nothing. Nevermind.” I hesitantly said. As the night came to a close, I crawled into bed and began to drift off into a deep …show more content…

“Where have they gone?” I asked myself conscientiously. Still in an attempt to retrieve light, I managed to carry myself outside; however, when I opened the front door, I knew the sight I just witnessed would stay imprinted in my mind forever. My parent’s house was the only building left standing . . . tornado number five had swept the city and this time it left its mark for good. “How could such a thing happen?” I asked myself trying to logically think of every situation that could cause this occurrence. Now in a desperate need of finding someone, I scampered through every room and searched for any sign of a person; by my seventh roundabout of the house I concluded that no one was in the house anymore. I was alone . . . literally the last person, for all I know, in Picher,

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