Critical Analysis Of The Article The World Is Not Falling Apart?

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The article, “The World Is Not Falling Apart” by Steven Pinker and Andrew Mack published by Slate, reminds the world not to focus on the media’s perception of our corrupt world, but rather look closely and evaluate what true measures of violence unfolding each day. Humans’ perception of the world is based off of the media, which states the earth is in a process of deteriorating. However, if one focuses on the trend lines instead of the headline, one would figure out that the world has never been in such a peaceful era. In the article, Bill Clinton was recorded stating to “follow the trend lines, not the headlines”, this means to take breakdown what information is being presented to the world each day and simplify it to our own judgment (para. 6). This article is intended to suggest that people need to wake up from their lethargic routines, and not rely on unreliable sources that only concentrate on the major crimes, …show more content…

Trend lines; are the rates in a data table either showing a negative slope or a positive one. In this instance, the trend lines of crimes like homicides, rapes, and shooting in the US are on a downwards slope (para. 6). However, trend lines on the subject are rarely researched because they are no competition for headlines. Headlines are what grasp the worlds attention, even if it’s not true. Headlines create audience awareness which promotes the reader to engage in the story. As a reader, the first thing my eyes are drawn to in an article is the headlines. Pinker and Mack use resources from the Bureau of Justice Statistics and the FBI Uniform Crime Reports in order to get accurate data without using media and headlines. Bold, exciting, and even simple words convey the reader into buying the article just out of curiosity, that is how the media makes its profit, through casual wording and interesting

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