Exploring the Complexity of the F-Word

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Throughout time, there have been many words considered “explicit” in the English language. However, there is one word that stands out from the rest of these bad words, and that word is “fuck.” Not only is this word considered one of the most inappropriate within the English vocabulary, but it is also one of the most diverse and broadly used of the explicit words. In this paper you will learn even though the Merriam-Webster Dictionary only contains two formal definitions of the word fuck, there are many different ways of using this word which has popped up into the mainstream culture of today. The history of the word fuck dates back thousands of years, however, according to Dr. Paul Booth of Keele University, the earliest use of the f word …show more content…

The word was commonly deemed as extremely inappropriate and a sin in many religions. Still to this day, a good amount of people hold the same beliefs about this word, however, it contains a big exception. To many people, it depends on how you use the word in context to determine the vulgarity of the given statement. Christine Christie, a professor in the Department of English and Drama at Loughborough University, would agree with this statement, saying the word fuck or any other explicit words “can produce impoliteness effects in some contexts, but not in all cases” (Christie n.p.). In general, using the f word more in the context of sexual intercourse is when people will become more sensitive to hearing the word, and therefore putting themselves at a higher probability of being offended. However, using it in the context of common slang, the person hearing the statement will most likely not be as sensitive to or not even offended at all to it. The f word has slowly become more engrained into the mainstream culture of our world, and is still doing so to this very point in time. However, it’s growing at an increasing rate with time as a result to the rapid change of culture within recent

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