The Pros And Cons Of Misogyny

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"Women should stay at home taking care of children." "Women should never disrespect a man." "Women who dress in skimpy outfits are asking to be harassed and cat called." These previous statements demonstrate misogyny. Misogyny is the hatred of women who do not conform to certain beliefs or practices on how woman should behave. These beliefs are centered on the idea that women are inferior to men. Now, not all misogynists hate all women. Misogyny is the hatred of specific women who do not conform to misogynist beliefs. For example, a misogynist can have the upmost respect for housewives, while one the other hand hating women who have a desire to better their career rather than have a family. Misogyny can have detrimental effects on anyone acting …show more content…

Perhaps they didn 't like the way this person was dressed or maybe they thought that maybe the strangeness of this person was threatening. While these may be some valid reasons, the root of the issue with street harassment is misogyny. That is defined as the hatred of women. In this video, specifically, the problem is trans misogyny. Trans misogyny means the negative attitudes towards trans women and trans and gender non-conforming people on the feminine end of the gender spectrum (CITE). Simply put, trans misogyny is the hatred of the feminine ,which is not experienced, only by women. In "America Reflexx", people were not sure of the gender of the person walking the street, but knew this person identified with feminine traits. They knew this because this person wore a dress and heels. This elicited an extreme amount of hatred by these people. While many of these harassers were women, the issue is still trans misogyny. Women can be as guilty as men when it comes to misogyny of trans misogyny. If a woman has a hatred for specific women or those acting in a feminine role due to them not behaving in a certain way then they too are a misogynist. For example, if these women attacking this person attacked him or her because they believe women or anyone identifying as feminine must dress and behave in a certain way, they are misogynists. The reason behind this line of thought is that these same women would not have …show more content…

Revenge porn is defined as the nonconsensual sharing of pornographic images or videos with the intent to humiliate someone because of some perceived wrong that they committed. Revenge porn can destroy people 's lives because their personal information is displayed online for all to see. The root of the problem with someone posting pornographic pictures of someone they slept with on the Internet is misogyny. This is demonstrated in the YouTube video... when Holly 's boyfriend puts pornographic images of her on the Internet because she broke up with him. This act has to do with misogyny because her boyfriend acted on his hate towards her because she did not act in the way he believed she should act. Misogynists have very strict beliefs that dictate the way they believe women should act. One belief is that women should be people pleasers and should always submit to the man they are with. Holly breaking up with him did not go along with his misogynist viewpoint. This is why he decided to take vengence in the form of revenge porn. The key to stopping revenge porn is fighting against

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