Dissecting Gender Inequality: Power, Society, and Double Standards

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In addition, these findings link with the notions of domination of women by men, in that there are establishments within a society that reproduce gender in a variety of ways (Kimmel & Holler, 2011, p. 15), such as the business relationship between a man and a prostitute.
Double Standard and Gender Inequality. According to Kimmel and Holler (2011, p. 291), gender inequality produces this double standard; the power in this society unevenly allocated corresponding to gender. This infers that men have more power in our male-dominant society (Kimmel & Holler, 2011, p. 291). Thus, men have more control than women do have and have authority over women (Kimmel & Holler, 2011, p. 116).
Attitudes and Reality Contradiction. However, there are increasingly …show more content…

Most sexual acts performed by prostitutes are fellatio (Leonard, 1990; Freund, Leonard, & Lee, 1989; Freund, Lee, & Leonard, 1991). Therefore, this may stem from men’s representation of sex through an orgasm and intercourse (Kimmel & Holler, 2011, p. 292). Consequently, this leads to the focus on the male genitalia as the major area for pleasure (Kimmel & Holler, 2011, p.292). This stems from the male socialization towards sex being an agent of hegemonic authentication, with proving how high their sexual prowess is (Kimmel & Holler, 2011, p. 9). Correspondingly, these notions are constructed in the mind of the man to produce the correct gender behaviours (Kimmel & Holler, 2011, p. …show more content…

Accordingly, this emphasis has impacts on the types of pleasure that men request and want to receive that primarily focuses on their pleasure and not that of the women (Kimmel & Holler, 2011, p. 292). Hence, this demonstrates the power of men that is demonstrated by the domination and the submission of women within the sexual interaction (Kimmel & Holler, 2011, p. 124). Thus, gender inequality is reproduced whereby the male is the recipient focus of power (Kimmel & Holler, 2011, p. 291). Additionally, this sex with a prostitute will assist the man in gaining hegemonic status due to his conforming behaviours to the masculinity type (Kimmel & Holler, 2011, p.

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