Gender Differences in Workplace Communication and Leadership

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“How men and women differ: Gender differences in communication styles, influence tactics, and leadership styles” is another article explaining gender differences in leadership. According to the article, women encounter different challenges in the workplace with the glass ceiling and wage gap being the most popular issues. Though, in the United States the male-female wage gap has decreased, the women still earn about 77% of the amount men get. In matters concerning education, women are earning the same degrees as men but they make the small number of working people as compared to men. For example, in 2010 women in United States made up 47.2% of the students taking law and 36.8% of MBAs received.
Moreover, there is a psychological difference in the way men and women communicate and try to influence others. According to the research, women tend to have cooperative and polite communication characteristics while men use assertiveness, aggressive as well as powerful communication traits (Merchant, 2012). In attempting to influence others, male managers tend to use tactics such as assertiveness, personal appeal while female managers use consultation, ingratiation appeal and exchange tactics with their male counterparts. Gender differences seen in leadership styles can be linked with the gender variations in communication and influence …show more content…

The method used in this research involved participants who were asked to assess their leaders in different organizational context by the use of the questionnaires. The context included recreational sport, government agency and also transports services. The participants were also required to examine historical world leaders based on their leadership styles (Rohomann & Rowold,

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