Computer Programmers

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The computer programming industry has many great aspects with opportunities of growth. A strong future is apparent for programmers and employers will continue to need the technical skills of programmers that know the business requirements. Business requirements will always continue to evolve more and more as time moves forward. This occupation will keep interests growing from the ever changing program languages and different techniques used in the industry.

I am proposing the idea of becoming a computer programmer. This profession consists of many desires of creating something truly great for managers and customers to enjoy. Employers will continue to need the technical skills of programmers that know the business requirements. Business requirements will always continue to evolve more and more as time moves forward. This occupation will keep interests growing from the ever changing program languages and different techniques used in the industry. Being a fan myself, I always enjoyed the aspects of how video games worked and what improvements could be made to entertain others more. For those that love how gadgets work and interact as units to just make something work, well this career choice is for you.


The salary is really great in most cases, with a range from $36,000-$99,000. But, there are some instances that the salary could be less than $36,000 and over $99,000. With the proper steps to land the proper fit within companies, you can find the perfect fit for a long-lasting career. Job requirements for a computer programmer include obtaining a bachelor’s degree or an associate’s degree. Usually, the degree is in computer science here in the U.S. Other avenues are available to work in this field such as extensive or computer certification experience. Many employers offer other means to help jump start more new employees. Entry-level and internships create more prospects to gain more experience. Maintaining and obtaining more certifications will also open different avenues for computer programmers.


The surroundings for this particular job usually consists of clean, central air environments. In fact more and more doors are available through telecommuting with the customers from which a programmer can display his or skills to create a rapport with each problem fixed, at home or away from the place of business. Also, there are times the job may require long hours to meet deadlines or find solutions to fix the critical problems.

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