Feminine Leadership Essay

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Leadership plays an indispensable role in any aspect of our lives, from everyday decision making to economy, politics and society in general. There are different styles of leadership, which correspondingly offer different benefits. Recently, people have been increasingly aware of one leading style that is argued to be superiorly advantageous: the feminine leadership style. More specifically, feminine leadership has been proved to be more efficient in avoiding crisis as well as handling the aftermath of a crisis. As a long-term result, it helps boost our societal performance as a whole.

To begin with, studies show that when women embrace feminine leadership, incorporating traits like empathy, team-builder and vision, they are higher favored, …show more content…

More often than not, they look for ways to grow and evolve, checking their ego at the door. Not only do they learn from professionals or upper-level people, but they are also willing to learn from their employees, teammates, etc. A leadership role is earned and must be constantly cultivated, and women know this requires continuous training and development. In the end, with a diverse knowledge, they know how to apply many perspectives into one problem, preventing it from being too focused on one thing and developing into a crisis. However, when a crisis has happened, they can always adapt to new situation exceptionally well by keep learning and seeking for …show more content…

Women engage in authentic verbal communication, eye contact and recognize employees by name. Authenticity is known as the key for engagement, professional presence and a well-respected leader. Once female leaders have acquired respect and confidence from their employees, they are able to calm people down and make them trust their authority’s decision. During crisis time, this is a crucial step to solve the problem. What is more, getting things back together after a crisis also requires leaders who are highly capable of communicating and connecting people.

Long considered as a soft skill, emotional intelligence is now essential for leadership effectiveness and empathy is at the top of the list. This competency and the ability to understand and ask what others are feeling positively relate to performance amongst employees. More significantly, authentic empathy builds trust and respect from employees. This has some similar benefits to communicating ability, yet it concentrates more on understanding others’ emotions and feelings in order to boost everyone’s working efficiency, thus crisis solving

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