Women In The 1950s Essay

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The 1950s was a time when American life seemed to be in an ideal model for what family should be. People were portrayed as being happy and content with their lives by the meadia. Women and children were seen as being kind and courteous to the other members of society while when the day ended they were all there to support the man of the house. All of this was just a mirage for what was happening under the surface in the minds of everyone during that time as seen through the women, children, and men of this time struggled to fit into the mold that society had made for them. The women of the 1950s struggled to fit into the mold that the American culture wanted them to be in. Women were meant to be the caretakers of the family and were expected to do whatever it would take to make sure that everything was perfect for their husbands. In a magazine article from Housekeeping Monthly that came out in 1955, there are a list of things that a woman must strive to do in order to be the ideal wife. This includes things such …show more content…

There is little that can be said to defend the opposite but they did have their fair share of struggles that had to be overcome. A man during this time was expected to bring home enough income to support his family. This out men in the situation where "there was a burden of total responsibility for the family monies" (Men) that rest in their hands. This has the potential of being catastrophic for the family if the man is hurt and unable to work. With a man not being able to bring in any money, the entire family would have to suffer and he would be stuck with the responsibility of dealing with it. The 1950s was a time when conformity held supreme in the culture at large. Issues such as women 's rights were thrown to the back as people tried to remain in the popular form of a family. These issues being put off only caused the prolonging of the tumultuous 1960s that would soon

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