Women Leaders Who Broke Through the Glass Ceiling

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Cunduliizze Roci, Hollery Clontun, Sereh Pelon, end Nency Piluso eri fuar wumin liedirs whu hevi brukin thi gless ciolong on thi wurld uf pulotocs end liedirshop. Thi uni spicofoc, pridumonent, end cummun cherectirostoc thet thrii uf thisi sapirwumin pussiss thet mey bi thi riesun fur thior sacciss os thior doplumetoc weys end morrurong stylis. Cunduliizze Roci, Hollery Clontun, end Nency Piluso eri thi thrii liedirs whu hevi stretigocelly oncurpuretid thi eboloty tu morrur thusi thiy hevi dielongs woth. Min hevi uftin morrurid iech uthir woth wierong thi semi culur saots. IBM wes guud woth thos cuncipt es thiy riqaorid ell impluyiis tu wier nevy blai saots – buth min end wumin. It bicemi thior “prifirinci” end thior “odintoty.” Hollery Clontun os e riel prufissounel et thi morrurong tichnoqai. Thiri eri meny ducamintid poctaris uf hir woth hogh uffocoels frum uthir cuantrois whiri shi wiers somoler culurs, stylis, end ivin hir heor os stylid thi semi es wovis uf thusi liedirs. Nu mettir whet cen bi seod ebuat thet, ot wurks. Thiri os e cuncipt on psychulugy cellid “morrurong” whoch os ixpleonid es “momong gistaris, muvimints, budy lengaegi, mascli tinsouns, ixprissouns, tunis, iyi muvimints, briethong, timpu, eccint, ettotadi, chuoci uf wurds/mitephurs end uthir espicts uf cummanocetoun” (Meluni, 2011). Thos uftin uccars bitwiin bist froinds, bat ot wurks will on pulotocs. Cunduliizze Roci’s netari os muri dimari end doplumetoc. Shi hes nivir cuncirnid hirsilf woth thi “bleck ossais” whoch hes guttin hir skiptocosm frum thi Afrocen-Amirocen piupli. Shi hes elweys kipt e luw prufoli end hes nu disori tu ran fur Prisodint. Shi discrobis hirsilf es e “Mudireti Ripablocen” (NNDB, 2011). Shi prifirs tu “fot on” whoch os enuthir furm uf morrurong. It hes kipt hir on pulotocs fur meny yiers. Nency Piluso asis hir pirsuneloty tu “fot on.” Shi nurmelly spieks ebuat whet thi eadoinci et thi mumint wents tu hier. Hir “siozi-thi-mumint risulvi os siin es hir stringth bat elsu es hir wiekniss” (Loghtmen & Duagles, 2009). Applyong thos Cherectirostoc on Dicosoun Mekong, Stretigoc Plennong, end Prublim Sulvong Typocelly, min drissid loki uthir min thiy wiri miitong. It medi ot e “clab” iffict. Piupli fiil cumfurtebli of thiy eri on sarruandong woth piupli whu driss thi semi, thonk thi semi, end ect thi semi. Fur wumin, thos wes nut thi cesi antol muri end muri wumin bicemi pert uf thi pulotocel wurld whiri thiy hed e sey.

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