Men And Women In The Workplace Case Study

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For many years, it has been apparent that men and women are treated unequally in the work field. Men are commonly seen to be chosen over a women for promotions and job hiring; nonetheless, it has been said that women and men both bring different characteristics to the workplace that are great for business when combined. Not only women believe this inequality is unfair, but there has also been men to say this as well. Furthermore, it has been seen that women, even with the same qualifications and education as men, will still not get promoted over a man. In Astrid Kunze and Amalia R. Miller’s data, they saw that women are 2.9 percent less likely to get a promotion than men. Women tend to have a negative effect if they have children, especially if they are a young mother. On the other hand, men with children are looked at in a more positive way, and often receive more promotions because of it. Many would think that a woman who has worked for the same company for a long period of time would have a better chance of being promoted than a …show more content…

In the most successful businesses, all of the characteristics stated are attributed and make the business more efficient. Research by Stanford’s business school found that 1.5 more promotions were given to women who presented “masculine traits”, such as aggressiveness, confidence, and control, than men with the same traits. Businesses do not have to be split evenly between men and women to be successful, as long as the business has people that bring the qualities of both genders to the business. On the whole, there is a difference between women and men in the workplace. Men are preferred over women, most of the time. Men are the ones that are more likely to receive the promotions and get hired, rather than a woman. Regardless, women and men both bring qualities that make for a very efficient

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