Characteristics Of Shakespearian Comedy In The Tempest

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Shakespearian comedies have some common characteristics which are found in The Tempest. The first characteristic of Shakespearian comedy is that there is a struggle of young lovers. They have to go through many adversaries to achieve their love. Miranda is a passive character and Ferdinand is also not the hero of the play. But they are the important couple of the play. Miranda is shown as a meek lady who is very faithful to her love when she says, “I am your wife, if you will marry me; / If not, I’ll die your maid” (III.i.83–84). Along with the struggle of the lovers, the protagonist also is shown going through several adversaries. The exile theme is one of the major themes in Shakespearian comedies. For example in Just like Prospero, in “As You Like It”, Duke Senior was exiled by Fredrick. Rosalind’s adverse journey starts from here. Rosalind is portrayed as a strong lady; hence she becomes the real hero of the play. But in The Tempest, Miranda’s character is portrayed as a weak person. Unlike Rosalind from As You Like It, Miranda is not the influential lady in the play. Second characteristics of Shakespearian play is that the plays consist of the elements of separation and reunification. For example, in The Tempest, Duke Prospero is deceived by his brother and thus he gets separated from his kingdom and forced to live on an alien …show more content…

The family tension is created when the brother is deceived by another brother by usurping his kingdom and sending him in exile. It is the family conflict shown in The Tempest. Orlando takes help from the other people (Antonio) to retaliate and deceive his own brother. The same theme is also found in Shakespeare’s “As You Like It” in which the protagonist Rosalind’s father Senior Duke was expelled by his brother. The family crisis and the tensed relationship among the family members make the protagonist go through difficulties and

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