Analysis Of Love, Sex And Death In Romeo And Juliet

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1.William Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” was first printed in 1597. 2.Which means that in 400 years there have been approximately 200,000,000,000 copies sold around the world.3. In every copy sold there has been an underlying question.4. Why did William Shakespeare write a tragic love story? 5. In the article “Love, Sex and Death in Romeo and Juliet” by Clayton G. MacKenzie she states “Sexuality and death have been linked in art and literature since ancient times” (29.) 6. It is a known fact that this is the world’s favorite play written by Shakespeare not only for the love and the passion, but the sacrifice of each other.7. For more than 400 years’ critics and playgoers have been analyzing this play trying to understand the love and tragedy …show more content…

Love, Sex, and Death play a major role in William Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” that is what makes this play so extraordinary for its unique qualities.3. Clayton G. MacKenzie states in her article “Love, Sex and Death in Romeo and Juliet,” “Shakespeare’s play, though, does not attempt to present a simple image of callow romance and sexuality cut down in full bloom by Death’s grim scythe. Its journey is more complex and, perhaps, more perplexing than that. The play’s thesis may begin with a conspiracy between sex and death, encapsulated in Rosaline’s unwillingness to participate in the death-dealing games of sexual love, but it goes on to speculate about the possibilities of sex through death, and evolves even into a discourse on sex as death.” (23). 4.This statement to me means that Romeo tried the same game on Rosaline and Juliet.5. His first attempt failed, but the love he had with Juliet was the perfect ending to his story.6. Clayton G. MacKenzie also states “These shifts occur initially because of Friar Lawrence’s plan to supply Juliet with a drug that will give her the temporary appearance of absolute death, allowing her then to revive and escape with Romeo. By assuming the guise of death, Juliet expects to achieve the fruits of romantic life. Death is to transport the lovers into a secure realm of marital bliss. The plan fails because the …show more content…

In Conclusion, William Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” was not just about the tragedy that Romeo and Juliet were going to run away from their family, but it was their fate that was the tragedy.2. The death might have been planned all along not exactly how the play ended, but maybe Romeo being his own destruction, was Juliet’s final destruction.3. Finally, the love, sex, and death of this story may have been just miscommunication.4. Romeo was playing the same love and death game with Juliet just as he did with Rosaline and this time his planned worked out to be the best ending he could have hoped for.5. The tragedy, which was Romeo finding Juliet dead (Fake), him saying his good-byes and Juliet being his destruction, then Juliet waking up from her fake death and realizing she could not live without him, which was her downfall as well. 6.The way that I look at their situation is that there was no way out.7. Even if they both gotten away, and then married, in the end it would have the exact same ending, which would be them both being each other’s downfall.8. This sentence from “Romeo and Juliet” explains why their fate will always be the same.9. “Whole misadventure piteous overthrows Do with their death bury their parents’ strife. The fearful passage of their death-marked love, And the continuance of their parents’ rage, Which, but their children’s end, nought could remove” (Shakespeare 3). 10. This statement was made from Romeo, at the beginning pf the play and it

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