The Power Of Time In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

1509 Words4 Pages

Shaahana Naufal
ENG 1D7b
12 January 2016

The Power of Time in Romeo and Juliet
“The measured or measurable period during which an action, process, or condition exists or continues.” Time is an indefinite period of time which conjures the past, present, and futures of mankind. Although time is infinite, it may pass faster than expected. The story of Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet begins Sunday morning, and concludes on the night of their death. The events which occur in Shakespeare’s play happen consecutively. The two ‘star-crossed’ lovers meet one night, then marry the next day, and death reigns over them a couple days later. As depicted in Romeo and Juliet, time seems to pass slowly without demand for haste, although that is not the case. Through this essay, Shakespeare’s hidden message about the importance of time will be discussed as seen through the characters and occurrence of events. Romeo and Juliet (at points) seem to neglect the quickness of time, but their impulsive actions prove …show more content…

Time and fate co-exist with one another. Romeo and Juliet, are the ‘star crossed lovers’ of one of the most famous love stories of all time. The timing of each event substantially affects and influences the conclusion of this story. Time plays a crucial role when Romeo aids the servant in reading the list of those invited to the ball, the disagreement between Tybalt and Romeo, and Friar John`s quarantine. As depicted in Act 1, Sc.2 of Romeo and Juliet, a Capulet servant who is unable to read the list of guests requests Romeo`s assistance. To show his gratitude, the servant invites Romeo to the gathering, “if [he] not be of the house of Montagues (1.2.82-3) It was fate in correlation with time which directed Romeo to the servant. The servant accolades time as he states; ”I must to the learned in good time!” (1.2.44) The next afternoon, as Benvolio

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