Identity In Macbeth

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The concept of treason is the idea of a king in many areas of Europe during this period considered as anointed. That is to say, the king was the chosen one by God and thus, going against the king was to go against God Himself. Thus, if the opposite action towards the concept of kingship is so radical, then it mean that kingship weighed down and played the most important role in these setting or/and eras.
In Richard II, the portrayal of kingship is more than just a title. For Richard, his status meant his existence―not precisely because it was his passion, but because it was his identity. His crown was an extension of his body. The mirror reflected more than his reflection―its reflection is his title. Richard could not differentiate himself …show more content…

Macbeth escalated titles to reach and possess the ultimate for his identity―to be the best he was able to be and surpass it. The identity issue in this play was not associated with external factors such as world dominance, but rather internal factors instigated by the Lady Macbeth’s prodding and mostly the stimulation of the Weird Sisters’ prophecy.
Through Macbeth the reader can be the witness of the other side of the coin from Richard’s point of view: committing treason―just as Bolingbroke indirectly did; but Macbeth intentionally plotting against the king’s crown and life. It is even shown through a psychological hallucination, since Macbeth’s unconscious desires arise when he decides to act upon his ambition: “Nature seems dead…While I threat, he lives; / Words to the heat of deeds too cold breath gives” (Macbeth 2.1:51,61-2).
Similar to Richard’s concept of kingship, in Macbeth, Macduff shares the same words for kingship once the corpse of Duncan is discovered: “Most sacrilegious murder hath broke ope / The Lord’s anointed temple and stole thence / The life’s o’th’ building” (Macbeth

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