Common Themes Of Sight And Blindness In Oedipus The King

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There is an old saying “There are none so blind as those who will not see.” What this is saying is that people are blind in what they see (ignorant) and what they are willing to see. Even some with the best vision can be blind. It is all about what we want to see, which can be very misleading and can cause issues like it did for Oedipus. We all can be blinded by the truth if we are ignorant and foolish. In Oedipus the King, we see two common themes, Sight vs. Blindness which is demonstrated both intellectually and physically. There are five instances that really stick out to me where we see Oedipus blinded physically and by his ignorance and hubris.

In lines 707- 1007 two important instances of intellectual blindness are main parts that give the story back round, one being Oedipus fulfilling the prophecy’s vision of him killing his father Laius and marrying his mother Jocasta and the other being Oedipus’s ignorance and disregard for his past, …show more content…

Oedipus and Jocasta both share a bondage of love and partnership that soon gets taken away because of Oedipus’s blindness to Jocasta’s warning. Jocasta warns Oedipus to let his past be and not to keep digging for he may get more than he bargained for. When Oedipus ignores this and continues, he soon finds out about his past, killing his father and soon realizing that Jocasta is his mother as well as his lover. When she finds out that Oedipus knows his past, she commits suicide because of her sinful acts of incest. This is another prime act of blindness that has resulted in a death. Oedipus continues to ignore the advice from his elders and because of that he is responsible for both his parents death at his hand. Though he may not be physically blind, his ignorance has caused his actions to have a negative out come. Oedipus’s goal is to not be blinded by his ignorance and to actually “see” the importance and relevance of every situation rather than on

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