Sonnet XVI1 Analysis

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Shakespeare is undoubtedly the most famous playwright of all time. He brought us several plays such as Romeo and Juliet, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Macbeth, and several other stagings. These ingenious plays fell under three separate categories. We classified them as comedies, tragedies, and historical. Many people are deceived into thinking that all he wrote were performances to enthrall his audiences, but he also wrote an enlarged amount of sonnets. Now a sonnet, by definition, is a poem with some type of writing pattern that contains fourteen lines. These sonnets weren’t written for fun, but to tell of how he felt. He talks of his sorrow, his love, and his fears. One thing that makes this text really conspicuous is how the …show more content…

At this point in his sonnets we have inferred two possible outcomes to his sonnets; either a women wrote them and Shakespeare took them, or Shakespeare was simply bisexual. We have come to believe that he was bisexual for the fact that in his later sonnets he tells of how he loves a women. Anyhow, Shakespeare makes it clear he has deep affection for his lover and is quite infatuated with him. This is important because it shows that he is interested in him. He even goes as far to say he’s perfect. He calls him as fair, if not fairer, than a beautiful summer day. This is the kind when the suns out and the birds are singing, not a cloud to be seen and a gentle breeze. This proves that he is interested in him and wants to learn more about him. This is a key element in any …show more content…

This particular sonnet’s focus is clearly the lover. For this, many peoples first assumption is going to be lust. When you look closer though, you see more of how he describes his lover. “Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, And often is his gold complexion dimm 'd; And every fair from fair sometime declines…” This quote is, plain and simple, informing him that he is not perfect and has his flaws, but he loves him anyways. This quote alone proves to us that he had more than lust for this man and was willing to share a life with him. This proves that his feelings weren’t pure

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