Wife Of Bath Analysis Essay

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The Wife of Bath Analysis The Wife of Bath Prologue and Tale tells about a woman who’s been married previous of times. She is described as Chaucer’s most delightful creature, although the Clerk and Pearson found her to be the most outrageous. She believed the woman should be head of household, nondependent on a man, woman should have the same equal opportunities as the men, and as soon as the men saw it that way, men and women would be happier in their marriage. She begins to describe her positions in her tale “The Wife of Bath” to why she stands affirms by it. In the Prologue, she talks about her life and the many experiences she has had. Chaucer describes her as one that knows how to get men attention and wears very expensive clothing.
Since the Wife of Bath states she learns everything she knows from experience, she’s probably not that literate, considering that some material someone learns at some point has to come from a book. Being that she has been married five times, she thinks she knows all there is to know. While others think there’s something wrong with the picture, she sees absolutely nothing wrong with having had five husbands. The prologue is quite longer than the tale itself. She explains more than anything, the thing women desire the most is the position to have complete dominance over their husbands. In the prologue, she talks about how she talks about how she succeeded in all her marriages. During Chaucer’s time, women were classified as closely the character of a monster. They were not allowed to participate in church and were characterized as unsuitable. Being that the wife of bath was married more than once, people have begun to sense suspect; because back in Chaucer’s time, if a woman was to be married for the second time was deemed untrustworthy. When they try
She seems very unrealistic for someone living in that time period. She is very complicated and talks a lot about herself. She is very controversial. Even though, she deserves credit for her actions. She provides the answer to what women want the most. She proclaimed that the thing women desire the most is sovereignty. Sovereignty, the supreme power of authority, is all women long for. In the Wife of Bath, she marries a man two decades younger than her so that she can gain sovereignty over her husband. Throughout the tale, traditional values and leadership were overthrown. In the beginning, King Arthur abandoned his headship of his family. Instead of there being men of the court, there were ladies of the court. The ladies served as the justices. Furthermore, the knight was a rapist who took the innocence of little girls. Upon choosing a punishment, the knight lets the woman choose. Therefore, the decision puts in favor of the woman rule. That event turned the tables where usually a man would rule with sovereignty, were now under the control of women. Therefore, it turns the world upside

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