Case Study Of A Personal Stress Case Study For Patient H

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Carrie Zimmerman; I have been a clinical neuroscientist studying stress for the past five years. This is a personal stress case study on patient H. I have been seeing patient H for four years, and have been building a case study on her stress life for the duration of that time. Throughout this case study I will be consulting “Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers” by Dr. Robert M. Sapolsky. Meet patient H: Patient H is a nineteen-year-old female of Caucasian decent; she is now a sophomore at James Madison University studying Hospitality management with a minor in general business. Major Stressors (current): Major current stressors in patient H’s life are normal for a girl of her age; attending college at a prestigious university, a new puppy, and friends. Patient H also is suffering from a variety of mental illnesses (this will be discussed later), and her family majorly stresses her. Patient H is an only child and therefore has had her parents …show more content…

I also highly recommend that she take her prescribed medications as directed, especially those for her mental health problems. Because of my concerns with the mixing of medications, her primary psychiatrist and I have created a treatment plan that involves a highly balanced set of medications which treat all of her disorders on as few drugs as possible, thus going off even one of her medications could deconstruct the entire plan. I also advise keeping a food journal to attempt to remind patient H to eat and fight the hypophagic instinct she has. While drinking on occasion is not unhealthy, the chronic binge drinking is, and I would recommend that she cut back on her alcohol consumption and try to develop a healthier relationship with alcohol so it isn’t used as a stress

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