You Should Not Train Everyday

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Why You Should Not Train Everyday

I admit that working out is good for you, weight training can benefit any individual because you can lose weight, build strength and tone or find a challenging workout just to keep you motivated. It is important to live a healthy, active lifestyle but overtraining is not the right way to do it. Going to the gym and working out every day is bad for you. Your body will feel like a complete mess and growing up it will only get worse without any rest days. If you lift too much weights, there is a higher risk of injury and your body will be very sore, let alone lifting every day. It is important to not train every day because you will be tired all the time, working out too much takes up other free time, and your muscles need time to recover.
First, if you work out too much, you will feel fatigued and tired all the time because you trained intensely by putting in maximum effort during the workout. However, when you are done the workout all you feel like doing is …show more content…

Being sore after a workout is a natural thing but if you train every day without including rest days, you are bound to get injured somewhere. For example back day, you should take at least two or three days off for back because in the long run, you do not want to have back problems or an aching back. Therefore, including rest days is essential when it comes to working out. If you work out too much, then you are not giving enough time to let your muscles recover because when you rest your muscles grow like for instance when you sleep. Let's say you just had leg day, your next leg day will very likely be in a week because you need time to rest your legs and you will also be working on different muscle groups as well. If you do leg day too soon again, then most likely your legs will still be feeling sore and it will be hard to get a full range of

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