Why Do I Deserve A Scholarship Essay

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To be awarded a scholarship thru Kent State one must submit an essay explaining why they deserve a scholarship. Instead of listing a myriad of reasons why I deserve a scholarship I figured I would tell “my story”. I grew up in an extremely loving middle class home. We attended church every Wednesday and Sunday, yet this did not quelch the rebellious side in me. At 21 I was asked to leave my parents’ home because I stole money from them to fund my opiate addiction. This addiction consumed all of my life for two years. I lived a hard life, trying to prevent withdraw in every way possible. This meant I would steal, lie, and cheat my friends and loved ones. I will never forget the look on my grandmother’s face when I was stealing from her and
In April of 2014 I found out I was expecting. What a shock, how could I be a mother after barely being able to take care of myself? My husband accompanied me to the first ultrasound, there both of our lives would change forever. The technician was twirling her wand over my “surprisingly large” belly, and kept counting 1, 2, 3. She turned the monitor to us and asked us to count with her, we were still very confused. She went on to explain that not only was there one baby in there, there was three! “Triplets?!” I exclaimed. My husband had some “choice” words. We were in shock! The chances of having spontaneous triplets is extremely rare. Naturally, I was the talk of the town, and the attention felt good. After all of the bad I had brought upon myself maybe it was my turn to have some good come my way, maybe I was destined to be the “mommy of triplets”! At 17 weeks I found out I was having 2 boys and a girl (I knew all along, mom’s intuition I guess). My husband and I moved in with my parents because we were going to need all the help we could get! It was a busy time, getting prepared for three babies, but it all came to a halt in
My father was leaving that afternoon on a business trip, I sat up to kiss him goodbye that is when, with no warning, no pushing, and no pain, my little girl Veda was born. My worst nightmare had come true, everything I had been trying to prevent was now happening, and happening fast. Twenty or so nurses ran into the room, as I looked down at the lifeless little girl in my bed. “She is stillborn” my father had cried. Sometimes a mother of multiples can give birth to one or two children and the others can remain inside for many more weeks. This was not my case, my little boys Oliver and Niles were to be born next. My father witnessed something not many fathers witness. My dad held my hand as I cried and pushed my two boys into the world. They were born breathing and rushed into the NICU. Many paragraphs could be written about the horrors of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. No mother or father wants to find themselves in that place. Unfortunately after 15 days, we had to make the hardest decision of our lives. My husband and I had to let the boys pass. They were suffering from breathing issues, brain bleeds, and a myriad of other premature baby issues. The world seemed like a different place, it was no longer the world I once

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