Why The Rich Are Getting Richer And The Poor Rich Poorer Essay

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Our society and culture, and our population is rising steadfast and the state of our economy is coercing people into working harder, often times pushing them beyond their capacity. In the essay “Why the Rich are Getting Richer and the Poor, Poorer” by Robert Reich, a professor and lecturer at the University of California Berkley, postulates that our economic state and structure is failing and that most citizens will now or at some point have to compete and fight for any chance of finding or keeping any type of employment. Stress, frustration, and an amalgam of other factors bring people to the mental brink. The rate of American consumerism is grossly rising as our capitalist society is designed to implant the overwhelming need for citizens …show more content…

A retail outlet salesperson may do their job and earn their paycheck but they do not solve any problems that are beneficial to society nor do they present ideas that contribute to the sustainable development of our culture and world. As long as the citizens of America and elsewhere choose to feed the piggy so to speak; our economy will continue to decline and respectively the crime rate, the mental stressors, and the depressing apathy of our citizens will continue to rise with the instability of the economy and job market. Those that choose to work for merely earning income, putting food in their stomachs, and purchasing the newest Smartphone or tech do not realize that the product they just purchased was most likely made by an unknown and unseen person from, most likely, a third world or economically unstable country. Yet this and many other thoughts more often than not do not come to the minds of the people who purchase these products. This fact alone should be a psychological tell not only about the nature of people in general but as a tell about the state and structure of our economy and how it is manipulating people into becoming aggressively

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