Why The Police Want Prison Reform Essay

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The incarceration rates have been growing rapidly in the United States. This is a problem that has been ongoing for many years, has recently caught a lot of attention by well-known law enforcement departments across the United States. A piece wrote by the New York Times, Editorial Board “Why the Police Want Prison Reform” published October 22, 2015. In this article, more than 130 of the top law enforcement officers have come together to stop the prison crisis. With the reform that just passed in October more than 6,000 prisoners who have been serving time have been released. The controversial topic has been presented by the New York Times article, “Why the Police Want Prison Reform”, the author who is not listed build their credibility with …show more content…

Using a logo’s appeal in the introduction “We need less incarceration, not more, to keep all Americans safe” (Why 1). Overcrowding in the prison system began in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s when the United States government and local government took on a “tough on crime” legislation according to ALEC. A report from the race and the criminal justice system in the United States states, “The United States criminal justice system is the largest in the world. Approximately 7 million individuals were under some form of correctional control in the United States, including 2.2 million incarcerated in federal, state, or local prisons and …show more content…

“More than 130 of the nation’s top law-enforcement officials, including big city police chiefs, joined the call to end harsh, counterproductive practices and policies that have driven America’s devastating prison boom, destroyed communities.” (“Why” 1) the author jumps straight to the corrections, and doesn’t address the problem right from the beginning. But rather than explaining it, says “Criminal justice reform groups have been saying this for years”, the writer does not cite the source for this making it invalid. The writer should have stated that prison reform is necessary for overcrowding. Due to the growing number of incardination happening each and every

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