Analysis Of The New Deal

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The second impressive feat Franklin D. Roosevelt made is announcing new policies to save the people of the United States from poverty and despair. In the 1930s, the New Deal was made to stimulate the economy and to relieve the pressure caused by the stock market crash. I was surprised by Roosevelt’s crisis management skills because he comforted the Americans and strengthened his control over the federal government. It must be a difficult mission for him and his cabinet because there were people like Charles Evan Hughes opposing their views. Despite the fact that the New Deal did not make a significant change in the U.S. economy in the 1930s, it explains why the federal government should take responsibility for national crises. I believe the …show more content…

Roosevelt. He details the events that happened in Roosevelt’s time and points out the achievements Roosevelt made. In the 1930s, the president caught the chance to help the Americans survive the bad conditions and announced his marvelous plan. The New Deal shows how Roosevelt and his cabinet took the responsibility to take care of people’s needs. I agree with the author’s description because he explained the purpose of the New Deal and outlines the programs related to this plan. A lot of programs like Social Security Act and Tennessee Valley Authority can be found in this book. For the U.S. involvement in the World War II, the author demonstrates how Roosevelt established diplomatic relations with other nations and cooperated with the Allies to defeat their common enemies. I would say the author did a great job to describe the story of this war because he explains the reasons that contributed to the U.S. declaration of war. The book shows me how the president carried the nation through this difficult time. In addition to the discussion of these glorious accomplishments, the author also explained how Roosevelt made his first step to resume his political career. The president decided to treat his paralyzed legs and convinced his supporters that his body was in good shape. He made solid progress in governing the New York and later the United States. I appreciate the author discusses how Roosevelt overcame the disease that affected both his body and mind. His explanation clearly showed how the president became a prominent figure in the United States. To summarize the story of Franklin D. Roosevelt, I would say the president was truly a remarkable man. Many of his achievements contribute significantly to modern Americans’ lives. I am sure that Roosevelt one of the most influential presidents of the United States because he overcame the disease that paralyzed his legs and

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