Why the Dominican Republic is in the Early Expanding Stage of Demographic Transition

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The Dominican Republic is a developing country in the early expanding stage of their demographic transition. This means their Crude Birth Rate (CBR) is constant, their Crude Death Rate (CDR) is decreasing exponentially, and their Rate of Natural Increase (RNI) is growing. All of these values correspond to the number of births per 1000, number of deaths per 1000, and population growth or the (CBR – CDR), is greater than zero indicating growth of population annually, respectively. These values of the Dominican Republic and more are shown below in comparison to the average values of the world.

Indicator Dominican Republic World Average

Population (mid-2013) 10.3 million 7,137 million

Projected Population (mid-2050) 13.1 million 9,727 million

2050 Population as a multiple of 2013 1.3 1.4

Rate of Natural Increase: RNI 1.6 % 1.2%

Crude Birth Rate: CBR (Births per 1,000) 22 20

Total Fertility Rate: TFR 2.6 % 2.5%

Crude Death Rate: CDR (Deaths per 1,000 population) 6 8

Percent of Population (15-49) with HIV/AIDS 1995: 0.9 %

2011/2013: 0.7 % 1995: 1.0%

2011/2013: 0.8%

Infant Mortality Rate: IMR (deaths for person <1 yr of age per 1,000 live births) 27 40%

Life Expectancy at Birth (Both sexes, in years) 73 70

Youth Dependency ratio: YDR 49.2 % 39.4 %

Elderly Dependency Ratio: EDR 9.52 % 12.1 %

Percent Urban 67% 52%

These values define the state the Dominican Republic is currently in. Since it is an ‘early expanding’ country, the population will continue to grow annually at a rate of 1.6 %, as expected in by 2050. All of these indicators say something crucial about the Dominican Republic in itself and compared to the world but a few key indicators are crucial. Indicators such as the percent of population (15-49) with HIV...

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...ncing at the same level. If the Dominican Republic wants to continue growth the way it has been doing, the government must fund health care much more than it is now. Increase in healthcare and knowledge about health are crucial to keep a society of people functioning effectively, both mentally and physically.

In conclusion, the Dominican Republic is far ahead of its counterparts. As long as it adopts the policy mentioned above, this growth will continue rapidly, Healthcare is crucial for a country to keep advancing. The more the population can work effectively and healthy, the faster the economic progress will advance. The policymakers have their hands full in determining what to do with the country in order to sustain proper order, both fiscally and politically. If these two things are taken care of, the Dominican Republic will continue to flourish as a country.

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