Comets And Asteroids Essay

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Though most people have heard about Comets and Asteroids many are unware of what they are and more significantly, their importance to life itself. Comets and asteroids are often described as small planets differentiating in sizes, some are baseball-sized meteors while some others are about one third the size of the moon. Other common terms used to describe them are rocky and icy bodies left over from the formation of the solar system. According to Don Yeomans from the Propulsion Lab, “Initially there was a great number of Comets and Asteroids, however, most of these bodies have either collided together and formed some of the major planets, were ejected from the inner solar system into the Oort cloud, or were ejected out of the solar system …show more content…

Scientists have studied and conducted research about Comets and Asteroids for years and continue to do so and after ten long years of tracking down Comet 67 and then landing on it, a robotic space mission called Philae has returned promising discovery. There’s evidence which shows Comet 67 is home to certain organic molecules which have not been analyzed to determine their composition. Popular Science spoke to Stephan Ulamec, the head of the Rosetta Lander Team, he hinted “the molecules may not be quite so simple. Larger and more complex molecules can produce similar readings on the device that Philae used, he says, and the team needs more time to work out which molecules it detected.” Another theory which closely ties in with the impact of either a Comet or Asteroid hitting Earth is the disappearance of dinosaurs some sixty five or sixty six years ago. It is inferred in the events where Earth was hit dinosaurs were not the only species to disappear, the fossil record shows numerous other species of the era disappearing as well. The impact essentially changed evolution forever. According to Elisabeth Howell a senior write from Universe Today “The leading theory for this change is a small body (likely an asteroid or a comet) that slammed into Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula. The impact’s force generated enough …show more content…

Since the orbital paths of Comets and Asteroids often crosses Earth’s path, collisions with the Earth have occurred in the past and we can predict there will be more to come. So, the remaining question is not whether a comet will strike the Earth, but rather when the next one will hit. However, it is estimated a catastrophic cometary collision with Earth is not likely to happen until millions of years from now, therefore it is not a fatal threat to us at this moment but studying their characteristics and compositions will only help us. Studies shows evidence in which it seems likely that a comet struck near the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico some 65 million years ago. Earth is bombarded daily with multitude of interplanetary material. Some of the particles are often meteors or shooting stars, they are so small that they are destroyed within the Earth 's atmosphere long before they even reach the

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