Should Public Schools Require Uniforms?

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When I was a child attending elementary school all of my friends loved the way I dressed, but there was also other children that attended school with me that seemed inferior to me simply because of how I dressed. Usually the children that praised the way I dress always wore nice clothes themselves, while the others who didn’t dress ad nice would try to pick fights or make fun of children that did dress nice. Later on in my life as I approached high school the tables turned; the teenagers who dressed nice became the ones who picked on other students in school because of the low quality clothes certain students wore in school, this would result in student violence. My stance on student uniforms is that I believe every public school in the U.S should utilize school uniform policy because it reduces school violence, provides better security, increases performance, and also reduces stress on families. School Uniforms Reduce Violence (Wilson 1994) "Some of the children dressed so poorly that the other children made fun of them,". "We thought they should all be equal from the beginning" (Pg. 18A). This article clearly provides detail why all public school students should wear uniforms all year around. The article also implies that when some students dress a certain way they get picked on immensely, it’s a shame that any person should have to deal with being picked on because of how they dress. "Uniforms erase that," she said. (Wilson 1994) "When they are dressed in uniforms they are dressed for success. That confidence makes them feel like they can achieve anything" (Pg. 18A), the author quoted a school staff member in previous sentence to show that even staff members notice a difference in how students act when wearing school u... ... middle of paper ... ... A uniform idea for saving. The Advertiser, p. 2. Mailander, J., & Staff, H. (1996, June 9). UNIFORMS MAKE THE GRADE. The Miami Herald, p. 1B. OSBORNE, C. (1988, February 18). A UNIFORM CODE FOR CLASS SUCCESS. Sydney Morning Herald, p. 2. (n.d.). Do Uniforms Decrease School Violence in Intercity Schools?. School Violence , Weapons, Crime, & Bullying. Retrieved February 24, 2011, from Silver, B. (2006, July 25). Surveys Show More Traditional Public & Public Charter Schools Are Implementing School Uniform Programs; For the First Time, Schools in Uniform Provide Real Numbers on Their Programs. Market Wire, p. 2. Staff, H., Walters, S., & Vise, D. d. (1998, September 17). UNIFORMS BECOME THE WAY IN BROWARD SPURRED BY PARENTS, STATUS-CONSCIOUS KIDS TRADE IN PRICEY TOGS. The Miami Herald, p. 1A.

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