Fast Lane Essay

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There is one practice that really irritates me during my morning commute to work in downtown Phoenix, Arizona, are the drivers who are in the “fast lane” without keeping pace with the other cars sharing the lane, and who are also failing to yield to a faster driver and allowing them to pass. The passing lane is commonly referred to as a "fast lane" because it is often used for extended periods of time for through traffic or faster traffic. In theory, a passing lane should only be used for passing, thus allowing, drivers to travel at their own pace. There are three important reasons why I believe law enforcement should spend more time ticketing drivers that impede traffic flow instead of ticketing the ones exceeding the speed if conditions warrant because the people going slow are the one’s causing the root problem and the people being erratic trying to get around are only responding to the improper use of the passing lane, making them victims and not perpetrators. …show more content…

So all you slow-unyielding drivers who insist on traveling in the passing lane, do everybody stuck in the morning rush-hour a favor, and do not drive in the passing lane if you are not passing or moving faster than those in the right

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