Why I Want to Study Enligh Lanugage and Literature

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I enjoy English above all other subjects because of the complete escapism it can offer. I am always amazed at the extent words can affect our emotions; making us laugh or cry, uniting people and dividing them. Our world would be nothing without words. This is why I have chosen to study English Language and Literature at University.
My fascination with the way we speak and write dictates a substantial part of my academic and private life; I have always made sure to surround myself with literature, whilst studying the English language is a more recent discovery of enjoyment. My passion for reading has led me to a wide range of literature, from classics such as Dickens and Burnett enjoyed in my youth, to more modernist authors such as Tennessee Williams and Angela Carter. Currently, I am engrossed in the workings of Sylvia Plath; her detached style of poetry full of ambiguity is both exciting and a challenge to study. I have also read her novel 'The Bell Jar' which has enriched my understanding of her poems by giving a unique insight into Plath's frame of mind. I feel this variety has g...

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