Why World War I Broke Out in 1914

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There were many reasons why World War 1 broke out in 1914, some of which were obvious and others not so obvious. The most prominent reasons for the outbreak of World War 1 would be due to alliances in Europe, Imperialism, Militarism, and Nationalism. Lastly, the most obvious reason, the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, was the cause of the immediate outbreak of the First World War Over time, there were many countries within Europe that had made agreements to defend one another in the case that their country went into battle. Most of Europe’s greatest countries were involved with these agreements. Some of the most prominent were Russia and Serbia, Germany and Austria-Hungry, and France and Russia. If it were not for these alliances the First World War may have never happened. Leading up to the Great War, many countries in Europe were looking for ways to increase their wealth and their power. These were the main causes of Imperialism between countries in Europe. Because the countries were trying to be more powerful and wealthy this led to competition and desire b...

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