The Benefits Of Snowshoeing To The Body

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As a kid, I have always been outside playing with my friends in Yangon, capital of Myanmar. I didn’t know the activities that I did was benefiting my overall health. All of that changed when I came to the U.S. in 2003. English was not my primarily speaking language for obvious reason. So, it was very hard to make friends in school, where it seems all the classmates have their own set of friends already. I was afraid because I didn’t know how to approach them with my lack of verbal English. So, my options were limited. All I can do was, watch TV and play games to spend the time. Of course, that doesn’t mean I cannot work out in my free time. Since “Exercise means different things to different people. From snowshoeing to swimming to a fast walk …show more content…

But what about within your system? There are a great deal of benefits that occurs within the body when applying exercise to the body. The benefits include “lowers the risk of developing or dying from heart disease, stroke and diabetes, it also prevents certain cancers, improves mood, builds bones, strengthens muscles, expands lung capacity, reduces the risk of falls and fractures, and helps to keep excess weight in check” (Bassuk, Church, and Mason 74). These benefits are for the down the road to the point when we physically cannot exercise but the insides are remaining strong thanks to the amount of effort to reach that. Nothing is easy, exercising is tough, I know. When you are tired, your body constantly telling that it is enough but it is our mental mind that pushes us. I always tell myself, and perhaps to you is that the amount of rewards is gain by the same amount of effort and resilience that you put …show more content…

It is the driving force, rather a reason that they need to keep going. Evaluating the reasons behind these people reasons for not exercising and neglecting the benefits would lead to eventual health problems with comes at a monetary cost. Like Bassuk, Church and Mason have stated “Most people do not realize that sustained bouts of moderate to vigorous physical activity completely change our bodies from inside out.” (79) We all need to treat our body better and in reciprocity, the body will do the same favor in the long run. As I have come to an understanding from all the researches about health, fitness, and exercising. One thing is clear for me, it is that we all need to treat our body better. Our body demands the same respect that we give to ourselves. I know it is a little cliché, but I making a point to make sure that in the end, you only get out what you put in. With continuing advances in medical researches about health and fitness equipment that help shape on the core areas of the body. Also, eating the right type of nutritional meals, I have no doubt that I will have a better control of my body and my mind will be sharper than before. My personal goal is that I want to lose 40 pounds in the next 2-3 months. So I can make my mother proud and myself as

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